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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Custom Poker Table

A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Poker Table

Action Custom Feltz Gallery

Looking for a high-end poker table that is truly made especially for you?

At Action Custom Feltz, we take great pride in providing "custom" poker tables of the finest quality that are premium, durable, and created specifically to suit your design preferences.

To start, we've compiled all the details you need in this ultimate guide to choose the perfect custom poker table for you!

Consider the size of your space

Thinking about the size of your game room is the first step in opting for the right custom poker table. Though a larger table takes up more space, it may allow more players.

On the other hand, if you have a small space, then consider going for a smaller, customized poker table that can fit better in the room.

Remember to get the measurements of the width and height of doorways and hallways in mind as well.

Choose the right design

Choosing the Right Poker Table Design

Action Custom Feltz Gallery

Different sizes and shapes of poker tables are available.

Oval designs are a common choice since they give players and dealers plenty of room.

You can also choose from various custom poker table design materials, design requirements, and table features with our fully customized service.

Let's say you want a minimalist design or a more classic look.

We can work with you to design the perfect poker table for your game area that is based on your personal preferences-- whatever the style or design.

Quality of Materials

Our custom build poker tables begin with superior materials chosen by our experienced craftsmen.

We use high-quality materials such as hardwood, leather, and felt to create a luxurious feel for each of our custom built poker tables.

For instance, speed cloth is as a material is ideal for the playing surface to provide players with the best playability and durability.

Likewise, hardwood frames and legs provide stability for the table.

Make sure you work with a company that provides the best materials for their custom poker tables.

Add-on features

Add-On Features for Your Poker Table Design

Action Custom Feltz Gallery

The best part of having a custom-made poker table is that you can add features that tailor to your own needs.

Do you want a chip drawer, card shuffler, or USB ports installed into your custom poker table?

Let us know, and we can make it happen.

Adding these features gives you a premium luxury handmade poker table that brings you unique craftsmanship tailored to your tastes.

However, a custom build poker table is a quality investment in the long run that will bring you pride and memories for years to come.

Set a budget that fits your preferences while assuring a long-lasting, high-quality table.

Wrapping It Up

Whatever your custom build poker tables customization needs are, Action Custom Feltz is your one-stop shop!

Our custom poker tables are handcrafted with unique features. We strive to produce a completely unique poker table design that reflects your personality, preferences, and vision.

You can count on us to give you a high-quality table that will last a lifetime.

Contact Action Custom Feltz today!

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